54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


I don’t like grass

welp time to go to spain see you guys in a month

it’s coarse rough and gets everywhere

@Arete You know me but I won’t post something from me publically so you could draw me :wink:

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We need to give equal rights to grass

ur gender is boomer

last message until 1 month


im allergic to grass

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I’m making a rp character
who sold themselves as a slave

Sounds fun
I have a chara who protects slavers and slaves alike

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basically they commited heresy
and not to be sacrified to the evil god :tm:, sold themselves as a slave
the fun fact is that they are still very loyal to the evil god

I love playing my priestess of hell
How does he get along with the fact that he shouldn’t have fled?

the thing is… what they commited was heresy to a teocentrical society, not to the god himself :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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do me :cookie:


the boomers are taking over :slight_smile:


Now all thats left is for us to see Priestess’ irl

Not publically. That’s a bit unsafe. But I guess, Arete can help us out with that.

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Do me :^)

90% sure I deleted all traces of my real face

Show me thy face