54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


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Luxys the only one who has seen my face other than Kyle20 and Hock3yforlif322 cause irl friend and brother

But but you’ve seen mine :frowning:


did u not see luxy and orange?

I still have your pic

actually I formated my PC so I don’t anymore

I wont show Myself till I reach my final form

No ones seen my face but I do know one person on this forums face.


or luxy’s/orange’s

u frieza?

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They don’t even know it

Orange and I revealed ourselves to the world


me 2

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I know Luxy, Orange, Marl, Geyde, Maximus, Arete and Reaper (obviously)

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I need to see the other half of Geyxy

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Ear reveal

Haha nerd

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white american teen boy

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white australian teen boy

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