54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Okay but you could also keep me alive to make the “sheep incorrect town reads” part easier

you give a compelling argument.

but i still fear you as mafia and will kill you Asap 100% of the time

But like


ur scary.

u can read people fairly well and actually use logic for doing so.

also you sometimes contend me for the top poster spot which is a


My towncore is Astand, Merc, and Shurian

:man_shrugging: i tried to beat up your hydra and firekatze’s hydra that game purely because you both damaged my ego.

and then was modkilled.

im gonna forget that game altogether

even if arete isn’t in the game im gonna try to get them lynched.

see: vmmm

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See, that would be the smart way to handle this that doesn’t involve wasting KP

why are you SELFVOTING


/vote arete


wheres katze :eyes:


Step 0:


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But really
Pushing agenda isn’t a clear cut thing

Often you’ll want to try to work with your team to break town’s will to solve

That often means playing an aggressive game and playing to people’s individual biases when you’re dealing with them

Usually a TL will pop up
Appeal to what normally works on them and proceed as normal

If you can leave a good impression, that’ll help carry you for the rest of the game

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also don’t lynch geyde
he’s pretty cool


this is actually a worthwile point

being funny and easy to work with (mostly the second) can help a lot
Solo solving the game and being abrasive, while they can work, aren’t as effective for creating towncores

ok fuck you system


/vote Geyde

I think this is scum
he’s being LAMISTy and trying to look productive without actually advancing the gamestate, which is wolfy because he’s excessively concerned with appearances

In this post he puts emphasis on his "cool"ness, which is an intangible positive attribute. This shows that he wants you to have a positive affect towards his play in this game, which is common among wolves. Additionally, the third person pronoun is scum-motivated because someone skimming the thread might take it as someone else reading Geyde in a positive mannger, while town!Geyde wouldn’t want to confuse the issue.

This entire post is pure IIoA. He wants to look like he’s solvey by writing a long wallpost, but he isn’t willing to actually engage with the thread.
Geyde’s a wolf, let’s lynch him.

arete not speaking english in a forum game. rule violation.

/vote arete

Marshal is chainsawing me to defend Geyde, he is likely Geyde’s scumpartner

Furthermore by claiming that “positive” is not an English word he’s engaging in blatant misrepresentation, which is highly likely to come from W.

after we lynch Geyde we should take a look at Marshal

we no speak americanio