54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

idk, i’ve decided to rip off Manti again and hope he dosen’t notice :^)

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Introducing "THRONE OF LIES" FM, a game that’s definitely faithful to the original and dosen’t feature the ability to communciate about the game in DMs so long as I’m there, and is definitely not bastard.

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Do you actually know the current mechanics of tol or is this a parody

i wonder how a turbo 16P ToL FoL would work


i have awoken

It is neither of those things.

> "THRONE OF LIES" FM is its’ own unqiue game that is being hastily cobbled together as we speak. It features unique communication rules, mechanics, and is, once again, definitely not bastard. We’re talking the CFM12 version of not bastard, but still. Not bastard. We swear. I won’t make you all rand Fool again.

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Is this something I should be worried about?

long story
basically me and orange pretended to host Town of Salem but gave everybody Jester just to fuck with people for a single day, and then hosted the actual setup afterwards
independently, Mantichora decided to do the exact same fucking thing on MU but allowed the jesters to choose their own bullshit flips
which was simultaneously AWFUL and hillarious

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this isn’t the inspiration for it, though. we were all parodying a person who did that but kept up the pretence that the game was non-bastard and an actual setup for far too long

I was playing with that thought, decided then tho that we would need a different audience
Aka, pretty sure we could make this work, but why doing it on the forums when there’s little interest for tol here anyways
Probably would be better to make a discord version of tol

Yay hosts lying about game not being bastard, making it bastard and feel proud of it

nah we didn’t do that
we at least told people there were bastard mechanics

also in case you don’t get the joke, CFM12 was a badly reviewed game on ToS that was really bastard that was flagged as not bastard
the game actually is a bastard game

basically this is a really convoluted and overly snarky way to say that I’m in the process of making a bastard game

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seriously though I found the Ghost Town thing hillarious, but only because me and orange spent ages dropping hints that the game was bastard in the most blatant way possible, and the meme was popular enough on MU that anybody could’ve found out about it if they wanted to.

manti’s version was funnier because the jesters could choose their flips and the game was closed, however. so i mean

Wait I didn’t know Cow did that link me


as you can see, he recruited a ton of people from ToS in an “invitational” style, which should’ve been the first hint

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