54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

FoL community invades roblox when?


roblox ToL when

damn that could actually be a thing


Yes totally

i was not referring to you

top 10 anime betrayal


Hey guys, what if I make a mash based off a musical based off a cartoon? Naaaaa just kidding… Unless?

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This just proves that you are a part of Sauron. Probably the Eyes.

This is how I host GI Turbos:

The scumteams are a Mish Mash of evil roles.

Acolyte and Acolight? Sure.


Highkey too mellow to be normal

I like the Idea of Acolyte and Acolight arguing on who should kill the Acolite

Meanwhile the Acofright and Aconight agree to fight the BD together


u are a doodoo

ur mom fat

ur dad a stick

Laughs evilly
While I’m waiting for Watch Your Mouth 2 to be reviewed, I’m already cooking up a mini mash with some great ideas >:)

Does anyone know the balance for mountainous(with ITA’s) for would like to help me try to balance a mountainous with ITA’s type game.

i mean it’s literally just finding a ratio of town:scum that’s balanced