54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Become sheepicorn

DayVig you? Sure.


/Day Vig @Twil1ight


We can talk about this.

/day vig light dark themers

Welp it’s time to take your 2nd live…

/day big Firekitten

Critical hit!

Firekitten was a Fool!

@PokemonKidRyan was hit!

He was the Light Themer


False quote!

*reloading revolver

Do you want 3rd round?

Uh. No thanls. I’ll be on my way

Shoot Hit A Dark Themer Instead! FK was Dark Themer Fool!


False! Look at what I did.

See in … means I skipped some of it so I didn’t false quote I just cut out some of its!

I wasn’t hit!

It actually hit pkr.


Nah that was false shot it actually hit you but you disguised as PKR

Yea. But edit that out because i disgusedand you told everyone so it’s a mod error so fix quick!

Nah not mod error

This is bastard

The bastard gods aren’t happy.

Htm was struck by the bastard bolt!

He was the fluffy lion (turned into a human)

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It’s a bastard game?

Then how you can explain my Mafia Check on discobot?

Sheriff btw