54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Jake EK


I should market this with

“Marshal liked it, and he doesn’t even like furries!”

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an anthem for some of my games




Mountainous 15’er



derps grand idea:


i liked it because EK

furries out

wait who said that

weebs out


furweebs out

gamers in



There’s an anime that you do not want to know about then.

god i’m so fucking conflicted on whether I like Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812. like most of the songs are bangers, but the structure of the story is so god damned weird and I’m still not sure if I actually like that. aparrently it’s staged really well, but in fairness the staging was done by Rachel Chavkin, who did Hadestown, so that’s a safe bet

thinking about how weird the structure of that thing has made me realise that all musicals fundamentally have weird structures, mind you. take Hamilton. Hamilton’s plot has all of the actually interesting plot points budged into Act 2, and Act 1 is just a fairly generic story about the American War of Independence with a marginally different thematic focus.

don’t get me wrong, I still loved every minute of Hamilton I saw because I liked the songs, but i have a friend who loves musicals who absolutely despises Hamilton because he dosen’t like the music in it. Great Comet’s structure is weird but not actively bad, so logically I should be calling The Great Comet of 1812 better than Hamilton. but I can’t? and it’s not like I don’t think The Opera is far more interesting and good than most songs in Hamilton or anything, I just don’t seem to like that musical that much

basically go listen to The Great Comet of 1812, you might love it, or you might come off like me, liking it but being permanently conflicted about it.

that was Ici Starsts Ranting About Musicals For No Reason™
you may go on with your lives now

Mr. Marshal, I don’t feel so good ÔwÔ

oh god oh fuck

Now it’s a fair fight.

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i watched the first season and tbh the performances are entertaining but like i don’t know many celebrities so that part was kinda meh

Best one of yours so far imo

apparently russian is a good language for brazilians to learn on pronounciation
and literally any latin-based language for writing

rip cheif delphi FM

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and the cop is insane

what was that

they banned forum mafia on cheif delphi.

the community is currently trying to come to an agreement/figure things out.

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Fucking why