54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Not to my knowledge

After all it was the season anyways

Through reading theory i was enlightened into anarcho-boomerism join me in My cause

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@JakeTheWolfie I would comment about the thing, but I can’t here.

Haha you were suspended.

Thank you Darth very kind

I created the for if you are gone thread with the idea of like people saying “im going on vacation for a week so i may not be active fyi”
so im happy its being used, but…
sad aswell to see everyone that goes :cry:

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omg guys, I found Isaac.

sips tea
Man, I sure do love Smash War III

Wtf dont reveal me like that




Should I question your profile picture?

Anyway, the smash reveal happened and my dumb ass was awake at 1am to see it.

I’m fine with it.

I agree with you right there. The moment I realized who the fighter was, I was baffled for a few seconds, but then I went “Eh. This is from a Japanese company. I shouldn’t be upset about this happening.” People are overreacting to the announcement and it’s making me more disappointed in them than the actual reveal

you cannot escape fire emblem characters
we are eternal
we ARE smash bros.

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…i think fire emblem might have more reps than mario at this point.


or at least its very close

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its 8 FE to like 8-10 mario as far as i can tell.

more if you include other JRPG’s like shulk and hero