54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

byleth’s whole thing seems to be meteor smash bullshit
they might actually be good

oh fuck they have super armour on their down smash

Please don’t.

friends are complaining its another sword character, i be like they use an axe and a lance and a bow what u mean

So what is this thread for, anyway?


Also, someone should make a Grand Idea Thread, but it’s filled with Neutral roles that cannot win. Your goal is to win. When you do win, that role is removed from the choosing pool.


We should call this Thread the “Terrible Idea Thread”

Grande idea with only hjas roles sound better

1 Like

No this is useless

Unplayable Ideas Thread?


Excellent Idea?

My idea is better

Also are you Jake alt

No, I’m not.

What made you choose 69 as ur 2 numbers


I dont know tell me