54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i have a meme instead

Marshal: stays up until 4:20 having to wake up in 2 hours and 30 minutes to ensure that his plan goes correctly

Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at 9.40.46 PM

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I want a game of Mafia where the cycles are 1y/1d
No majority or plurality.

Just to see how it would work.
And to add in some spice, it’s a fucking GI game.

actually no

that’s total asss


@eevee-sama @luxy @3rd Forum match mod

would you allow this monstrosity

That’s precisely the point.

…You mean Squid?


Who’s squid. never heard of em

honestly 1y/1d is def not what is needed

maybe month/week phases for a long game

i could host because i honestly don’t plan to leave this site any time soon

if mods allowed it ofc lul

Ok, 1m/2d

copy cat

But then you couldn’t play the game, and that would be sad.

Unless you made an alt

we need to do Altfia soon

it’s a ton of fun

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it probably would be a test of how much i could hyperpost in a game thread

and i would kinda love it

so you are right i would kinda love to play

speaking of crazy setups let me pull something up


how interested would someone be in this setup

Is it where we all use alt accounts?

i’d probably change a few things about the setup but otherwise this honestly looks fun

however someone won’t let us do it