54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

pretty sure it’s just calling “having a life”

idk i wouldn’t know

sees Darth typing


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should i speak in iambic pentameter from now on


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Draft can get very interesting very quickly depending on your scum team. brandn and I hosted a draft game on CD in November. We randed alignment and had players pick roll pairs to determine PRs. It went pretty well I’d say, @orangeandblack5 can confirm lmao

I expected scum to get 3 PRs

I randed scum and we got 3 PRs

ez pz

/didn’t even use them half the time/

Had the scum team changed I could see it going very differently

Also you had pretty much the entire town pocketed, still baffles me why nobody challenged you

They did

I didn’t let their words carry weight


It was kaitlynn for sure and I want to say k.aylee?

You see this is a task I take with pride
For you see, I am a bonafide
poet that simply has nothing to hide
Though it would have me wish I sooner died

No clue, I just remember brandn and I quoting people blindly trusting you in the mod chat and laughing/being utterly confused lmao

this isn’t iambic pentameter my friend

Then thou can suck my shaft right here and now


The bard simply penned a large amount plays
Some of which are quoted so many times
One could spend so many days upon days
The artistry of it all is sublime