54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

nah its from a video game, but a very anime like video game

Replacement (Day) - If the person you are Doppelganging dies, any revival effects will fail. They will win if you win, even if by them dying would’ve caused them to lose. You will keep this passive even after a class change.

also @JakeTheWolfie thats not a day ability but a passive

you see comrade, we are running low on day-only passives

Hmmm… Borderlands?

I’m not exactly sure what you mean by anime-like.

character designs / art style genuinly but otherwise not really anime. But nah not borderlands. Not gonna give more until i get the go-ahead

I have a super cool setup in the workshop

mash sounds terrifying but this should be super fun

(mash sounds terrifying to host)

They did the mash

they did the monster mash

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Jake single handedly guesses Dat’s setup

nope :stuck_out_tongue: well i dont even know if its a mash anymore. Its 16p with the room to grow to like 22.

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I think I know what it is… can’t remember the name though.

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man i want to develop a tricksy setup, where there is very little information, but it is otherwise quite scumsided, so town have to use mechanics, despite the lack of normally available information

like, kinda like the thing where you ask someone what they’re faction name is to get a read on them, but where everyone knows that kind of thing will almost certainly happen beforehand, so play can develop around it.


You are now invited to the party.

an example for an ability a PR in this setup might have:

ask the host one yes/no question is, and they will answer truthfully, with one condition. there are certain kinds of words where, if your question contains one of these words, the answer will be “no” regardless of what you asked.

they are not told what the blacklist, but they are assured that it is possible to ask something substantial (by the objective definition. that is, something relating to the game in some way; something not trivial) and get a truthful answer

that is, the conditions arent supposed to be something like “words with the letter e”, “words that are also in the OP of the game” or anything else that makes it complete bs.

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“Yes.” (But actually no.)

You should probably fix this to random

Are any word in this question, such as “X, Y, Z…” not the trigger word?

If any of them aren’t, then the answer would be yes. If any of them are, then the answer would be no.