54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Hot take:

The Blue Dragon are just a big idiotic cult

But I guess “idiotic cult” is redundant.

nah. im fine with it only being a false-negative (as opposed to a false positive)
they’re already probably not going to be asking game-breaking things, since they would probably rather be getting a piece of information than about something small than risk getting no information (and not knowing it)
and its single-use so its not like they’ll have time to maneuver their way around a defined set of rules like they’d be able to with infinite, 3 or even 2 uses

well yes, but again, single use.


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they have to be tricksy with how they ask the question.
what sorts of words would i block?
how can they refer to things in an abstract manner such that the filters wouldnt get it?
what can they ask thats very specific (so that its way less likely that something would trip the filter) but still yields very useful information?

also if i did this id add the clause that if they manage to successfully ask something very gamebreaking, ill tell them that they did this, refuse to answer, and give them a buff. because if they manage to get around the filters and with one question get


back off simon that’s my thing when it comes to making bastard games

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Join my ideology


help the goose stole my cursor


So basically it’s Host-Enforced Wifom

he bring me memes

the goose giveth

and the goose taketh


the goose commandeth

oh god he typed that message send help

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well its not exactly wifom.
sure some parts of it are, but theres more to it than that


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Another thing for that hypothetical setup that will never happen.

Choose one method of communication. If there host accepts it, you may use this method to converse with other people, and people may use it to talk to you (all conversations of this sort must include you and 1 other person.
At certain points in the game and after the game, other players will be asked what a particular message that you sent was.
If a certain amount (TBD) of people find out your messages, you lose.
You cannot tell people how decode your messages in threads besides the main thread. (You can however tell them of the presence of coded messages). If it is deemed unintentional on your part, you will be given one warning. Otherwise, you will be vanillerised/modkilled
Survive or keep all but x people from decoding your messages. If y people decode your messages, you lose regardless

Requirements for the method chosen:
Other people should be able to find and decode your messages (for instance, the host or forum mods)
It cannot require non-public information (that is, code words or encryption keys if necessary to decode must be able to be accessed and reasonably found from the main thread

Imma just keep posting these as I come up with them. If anybody actually wants to try and make this a whole setup with me as a creative advisor (and not a host), lmk and I can send them to you instead.

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“How many games are you gonna host maxwell”
