54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Chances are not all of them will be hosted. I just wanted to give ppl options if anyone would be interested in co-hosting and/or balancing with me. As evidenced by my past setup creation and hosting endeavors, I definitely would need help in both of those regards.

I’d @ Vulgard for helping to balance, but they left. :frowning:

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I do want to co-host though, depends when.

I’m thankful he did all that he did for me for the Virtuous setup while he was here.

I feel that most of the setups I proposed are already almost fully balanced. That’s why I proposed them.

If you were going to run one of the ones I proposed with me, what would be your preference?

1 use, host decided words are banned

I’d prefer to co-host SCP 2 or Return of the Syndicate, the others I want to play.

Uhmm… If I had to select 1 then Return of the Syndicate.


oh shit

welcome back max :heart:

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oh dang thank you for the veteran title whoever gave me it

Heretics get executed

i notice your pfp
i see you are a man of culture as well

It’s fanart of a Lockheed Martin F-35.
I hope to be designing aircraft like that one day.

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well it reminds me of a really good game

Then i most likely haven’t heard of that game and may not be the man of culture you thought I was

heard of ace combat?


I had not no @Italy

What isaac