54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@Wazza @Emilia
Roblox Channel

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bro we haven’t done roblox adventures in a while.

It wasn’t my idea to ping you in the first place :woman_shrugging:

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i literally played with them 2 days ago and i think they played yesterday

what is a roblox adventure

they’re the only people i know that play roblox almost everyday on this forum

me and hja doing random shit lol

that must be very fun


So, only part treeman?

daily reminder that love potions are the worst plot device, even for comedy. i am saying this as somebody who is immune to them

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what do you mean, are you saying that including literal mind control without any consideration of the implications of said mind control is an issue??

What if they make one that bypasses immunity

words cannot describe how problematic that is

Then they become like a D1 self-infinivoter jester.

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Need to add that to GI

seriously love potions are one of the many many reasons why I think it’s fair to say most straight people have really fucked up views on sex and romance, or at least a symptom of that problem. because if human culture can suspend its’ disbelief enough to make “potion that creates forcible romantic attraction towards people” as a concept funny then something’s gone wrong

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it’s like that thing where crossdressers in fiction are inevitably hit on by large groups of people
like what the fuck

Isn’t GI for bad classes only?

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it’s going to take me years to unpack the sheer bullshit that is society’s attitude towards romantic attraction#

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to be maximally charitable to the straights I think there’s an argument to be made that if everyone involved endorses and consents to the decision to use love potions while not under the influence of literal mind control then it’s not unethical? and probably there exist people weird enough to have that as a preference?