54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Cuz gender

this has literally all of the benefits of romantic relationships with almost none of the downsides


all the benefits arete?

name a counterexample

smh my head

ew marshal you don’t find sex to be vaguely unsatisfying and prone to causing existential crises that overpower any pleasure you gain from it? gross, man.

what about your head

that’s not an answer!!

shrug my head my head
baby shrug baby baby shrug shrug
S. M. H
My head!
S. M. H.
My head! Oh Oh!

Thats the downside

drugs r bad and this is why

you explained what i was implying perfectly

thank you emilia

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eevee is counterexample

but like why is that such an overpowering pleasure for you? Surely a life of purely platonic pleasures could be superior to a sexually active one, even for an allo?

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what is this

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I feel like we’re kinda conflating sexual and romantic attraction when the two are usually but not always linked


i think the real compromise here is Fwb but :man_shrugging:

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why is kissing a thing

what makes randomly smushing your face against someone else’s so appealing

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@Marshal @emilia plz explain

Idk why facebattling is a thing

That’s why I go for the cheek.