54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Sounds hype

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i have 3 setups in the work

South Park:The Stick Of Truth

And Then There Were None


That was really good I remember reading it

Finished it in like a day

I submitted a vanilla nightless game with ice cream flavor to the queue like 2 months ago

Still hasn’t been put in

I’m getting mine reviewed right now

Fun guaranteed

Come one come all

shameless advertising

1 of which is going to get me banned

The other 2 are gonna get me a whipping from a mod

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figure out which one

South Park lul

They could never ban Agatha Christie lmao

four words

nazi zombie princess kenny

If it were CD they would


dae “not robotics related”

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Who would win in a musical fight

Justin Bieber or a dead beaver

justin bieber has some bangers ngl

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Confirmed mafia pushing on me, /Vote Jake.

The only confirmed mafia is @Marshal, and that’s because they are a Guilty Child.

Don’t you know my class though?

what wut why is my name lowercase now

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