54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

weird, i can still use discord, marl is online too

Cloudflare shit itself

Yeah a lot of Discord stuff is indeed down

Can you possibly make a temporary trial PM?

Nah, this will probably be fixed quite shortly

This might actually be a big oof wait

I’m back.


But are you?

You exposed CoI discord picture

No u

lol is it that secret

it’s a green litten doing the joy emoji

Pug made it

Daily update, season 2 episode 1
Sorry for hiatus guys
On a vaycay, but This has good/consistent WiFi so I should be good


This is a good show

Daily update 2.1
Eating out tonight
Getting a burger for the 4th time since Saturday

I have cookie allergy

@discobot fortune


:crystal_ball: Yes definitely

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“Wiggity wiggity what’s up dudebros, I’m Dippyfresh!” ~Dippyfresh