54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

What about anime water


its water so its good

its anime so its bad



sometimes you gotta face the truth my friend

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But your “truth” is wrong my friend

how can i be wrong when i am correct?

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by being incorrect.

but that means i am not correct

which is false

i am correct

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That’s where your logic went wrong, because you are incorrect.

no u

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no u

no u

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anime’s tropes are significantly worse than western tropes in many ways
that dosen’t stop Death Note from being great

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All anime tropes are bad but anime is still good

im glad i’ve convinced you


day ??? of ici posting homestuck stuff with no context


amazingly this song somehow is actually a clue to a massive spoiler if you comb through the album enough

someone paypal me 230 usd

Bruh, I barely have money as it is

Paypal deactivated my account