54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

jane no

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Okay KitKat.

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@mod can someone reset my edits? I kind of need it rn in my misc.

Like, seriously, I need it ASAP.

Hey @PoisonedSquid, you’re online. Can you reset my edit limit please?

I’m on it

Thank you


Oh no.

that is literally 2 good things

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I know, right?

Yes please.

this is win/win

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Deathnote, Code Geass, though.


Have you seen them?

Crap. As you can tell from my pfp, I can’t take that risk

Let’s hunt down Simon before he presses it.

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am I allowed to resell the computers :thinking:

you’re too late.
my finger is poised.
there is only one thing that can stop me now