54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

like seriously
which is more interesting
“lol i said u were villa but u were actually lost wolf!!!”


“this wolfteam is actually a 7-headed lover hydra and 3 random other people, and this game was significantly smaller mechanically but not socially, have fun with that!”

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the wolves have to use their unique social advantage without giving away that 7 slots are actually the heads of a single slot and set of abilities, and the villagers have the figure out why the fuck 7 people died at that EoD and didn’t flip

No idea tbh, for me both sounds absolutely terrible, because you’re taking the initiative away from the players

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History and context are often quite important, and with your position in the community, it would make a lot of sense to try and take in more people’s views, the history of the game, and its context within the larger sphere of Mafia derivatives when thinking about where we can go next.

I’ve seen this before :thinking:

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but how the players chose to react to being in a 7-man hydra unexpectedly is what really makes that role? i don’t see how that undermines people’s free will. part of the game has always been randing into different roles and coping with the challenges that role presents. a good bastard role is just that but more outlandish

I feel like Ici and Priestess are at near opposite ends of the spectrum here :laughing:

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yes i’m using examples from Metrion games, shush

I was part of this hydra
And I didn’t even understand the mechanics of it, so I thought, I can bus one of them without risking the others

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wait you were actually part of that game

It was a 5-person hydra this time iirc

see there’s your problem
you thought bussing was a good move :^)

Well we were a 7head, consisting of a 4head, a 2head and a 1head
Yes. >.>
But I got executed D1, so I didn’t do too much damage

sorry I was referencing a game on the ToS forums

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Okay, I referenced the FM Academia game in this forum a few months ago

I think Priestess is talking abotu Mafia aca.

Random comment but priestess and ici’s pfps look so similar when they’re typing

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