54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Is this how it works?

apparently not.

No, you silly goose! It works like this! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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You underestimate my power, Catsay!

Yeah, I don’t need your help. Suck it katze.

i hid a link to the website in one of my previous posts though

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Lol, I didn’t event notice that.

Anyway, now I can continue with my short secret project.

Aha! I have found the answer at last!

How secret is it, really? Is telling us that it’s a secret not ruining its secrecy?

i can’t even use comic sans this sucks

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is it just Rainbows. Oof it isnt

This thread is now in random colored words mode. Anyone caught typing in a non-random color will be executed for treason.

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All your base are belong to us!!!!!

No one expects the random color of blurry

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DatBird was found dead last night! They were:

A nerd

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what do i swap my pfp to

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Arete was modkilled for reasons! They were:

The Fool

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@Arete do i change it to gay porn

