54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I can’t either.

I mean, person having 5 mln yt subsrcibers slept at my house and we were playing together in past.

Other person with 5 mln ygt subscribers still owns me 50$ from past when we were visiting UK together as VIPs on some convention. (he spent it on McDonalds food, lmao)

Person I know and worked on in some researches works for European Centre of Nuclear Science and got multiple money grants in some projects.

Other person I know and worked with discovered a way to deliver drugs directly to cancer-inflicted cells at the age of 17.

Another person I know is organizer and well known analyzer for world-renowed programming competitions.

I mean… I can feel a bit underwhelmed under the pressure of people I worked with in past.

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yeah but forum mafia

Just surround yourself with dumbasses to make yourself feel smarter

It’s what I do

Stop having successful friends lul

Also ur like way higher IQ then anyone I know

Truth is, that it was always expected of me to do better than 99% of society.

After all I’m coming form a noble family with roots up to 1500’s-1900’s dynsasties rulling over Poland, Lithuania and Russia.
Main branch of my family owns several castles/palaces/mansions around eastern europe.

… the problem is… main branch.

Yeah, I’m a side branch for one of most influential families in easten europe.
So it’s natural they expect me to do my best and do better than 99% of society.

After all we have no rights for all the family’s inheritance, so we have to work for it all on our own.
And my family wants to stand equal to main branch.


Too much pressure, you know?

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I feel that, not from a noble house, but I have always been expected to do a lot and stand tall

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same untill I accepted nihilism

That does sound like a shitton or pressure lul

I felt that way when I was younger(obv less then u tho) cuz I had high test and IQ scores but stress is to fucking much so I don’t try too hard on school cuz otherwise my mental health gets fucked from big stress(and I tend to turn to nasteir thing but I hopefully worked through that)

I suggest just caring… less

It’s easier said then done but before I joined FM and started caring less about school I was in a poor-ish place

I mean imagine how I felt when I was invited for a party in a castle when there was wedding from a main family branch.

Yeah, cause why not make own wedding inside a castle, hire a whole circus, several illusionists, two cabarets, professinal fire juggler, professional fireworks engineer, professionals barmans and order food made by top chef’s winner’s.



I felt like I had high expectations because everyone else around me in high school had done so much more than me. Hell, I should of gotten my license or a job by now, but… I don’t know if I can say I’ve made any individual achievements that are worth while

Except for finishing high school. That’s the only thing I’ve done that I can be proud of… I wouldn’t really call it a big deal though

I compare yourself to others too much

If you wanna do that Come to fucking America and your self-esteem will rise a ton lul

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I’m from America and my self-esteem is still pretty low. How the hell is that even possible?

because lol mental health


You know, knowing guy who in high school was hired part-time by European Organization for Nuclear Reasearch in Switzerland… is kinda undermining your self-esteem.

Even if he was working on side projects, not in Large Hadron Collider.

Yeah… You’re right. My mental health has gotten worse recently due to certain events

why Are you comparing yourself to them

Nothing healthy comes from that

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Cause I worked with them.

I even like them.
They are a cool person.

I did some data analysis for theirs reasearch too.