54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Bisexual with asexual traits.
They’re kinda the opposite though.

So you just claim you are asexual cause you failed?

That’s not really most… legit explanation, you know?

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I’m 19, turning 20 in September

No, i claim asexual because i feel incapable of having romantic feelings and have felt so for the past 3 years as at some point a switch flipped automatically in me and i just became numb to everything

ah ignore me, im almost a year older than you

Isn’t aromantic a thing?

I am 32 turning 33 in 3 months

That’s probably a more apt descriptor for me, yes

i forget the word ‘demisexual’ exists but it describes me fairly well

or “aromanic” as chloe said

or both

Cause it’s not about pushing.
It’s about being open, but not being pushy about it.

Express interest, let them decide, if they are okayish with seeing how it goes, take some initative when chosing few first steps to see if it works out.

If not, just back out.
If it does, great.

All my relationships were based on just being open, if they were okayish to try inviting them out few times, see if we are matching each other.

Holy shit i love Demi Lovato too


Does anyone want to become anarcho monarchist like me :slightly_smiling_face:

that kind of thing is hard for me because i have intellectual disabilities
so i def won’t be trying again anytime soon

I might be too idealistic, sure.


But I feel like just being open about own feelings is… way better option than just searching relationships at the bar.


im gonna hit you step sis

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Do it :flushed:

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Also, I would like for any of you to come to Poland, I am offering a bed.
And I’m serious here too.

Like I already sleptover in houses of some of you.

What’s the use of knowing people all around the globe if you don’t visit them and seesight the world?

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That’s an admirable sentiment.

Same here. As soon as I get a new place (shit is expensive) - if anyone wants to visit northern California hit me up.

are you in said bed

asking for a friend

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