54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I mean… I kinda start my new life with no debt to begin with, but that’s cause for people with citzenship all education is free.

But yeah.

My feelings have been destroyed

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We leave in 2 years


How do I become a polish citizen

Sounds too great.
What’s the catch?

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We actually don’t have a catch.
Polish citzens have free education.
That’s our country’s policy.

For people from abroad they still need to pay, but… it’s like several times less than they do in theirs country anyway.

living in poland is the catch

I truly would love to just get out of the States and start new. But I’m at a great UC, its just expensive as hell. I’d love to transfer, make new friends, see some great sights, and learn about other cultures. Sounds like a dream

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it’s cold

I’ve heard there’s plenty of cigarettes, plastic bottles or even large garbage thrown away in the most beautiful forests, mountains, rivers and lakes, or in the street. Polish people should care more about their natural habitat and ecology.

I mean… that’s a dream only if you tell yourself it is.

What’s stopping you from doing it?
In realistic way?

How would I even bring this up

“Hello yes instead of going to the college 15 minutes away I would like to go to a university across the ocean in Poland please and thank you”


part of me wants to leave

but most of me knows i really can’t

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“What made you think of this sweetie?”

“Oh some 20-something polish dude on the internet told I should”


I mean truly, right now I don’t have much stopping me other than the money it would take to travel, and the fact that I am a legal guardian of my younger brother. Perhaps in a year or two I could make it a reality

Wait what

“I’m fine everything’s fine okay mom?”

If you don’t bring it up, will it happen?

If you bring it up, you start the dialogue.
It doesn’t have to be Poland.

You can say that you are worried about debt, want to study at good uni for cheaper price, see the world.

Like my family woudl actually love if I went abroad for studying to learn about other cultures ect.

Say it like that.
That you want to see the world, learn at good uni, start new life with less debt ect. ect.

It’s really not that hard.

Poland prolly wouldn’t have what I want to major in

And I have a trust fund anyways