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Political science?



Eevee do they have any good schools for mechanical/electrical engineering

Moreover, in public offices civil servants are sometimes not pleasant and they have little knowledge about proper customer service. It seems like they don’t care about citizens although they are nothing less, than their customers.

Civil servants, like US (Urzad Skarbowy) or ZUS employees, are often arrogant towards companies like Sii, thinking that they manage them, or treat them, behaving like Polish are their enemies. They are unpleasant both face to face as well as on the phone. It should be quite the opposite – Polish should be treated as customers, being provided with the best quality of service, support, help and professionalism. The civil servants should be happy and thankful that Polish pay high taxes and social contribution in Poland. (Civil servants seem not aware that they receive their salaries thanks to taxes paid by Poles and by companies present in Poland, like Sii).

Moreover ZUS and US employees have poor understanding of business. Polish government should get inspired by countries like Singapore, where public institutions and public services are more efficient. Of course, they must control if Polish respect and execute the regulations, but at the same time they should also serve with a positive, helpful and respectful attitude.

Heavy bureaucracy is also visible when Polish do business with the public sector (small business for us, less than 2% of our revenue). Instead of agility and flexibility, Polish face huge bureaucracy.

You don’t have to talk it has to be Poland straght away anyway.

Just… go more open.

That you want to see old continent.
Visit it. See how it is there.

Depends if you want to have more theoritical school or practical school.
We got both.

i have a theoretical degree in theory

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I should have worded much better. I am in the will of my parents to have guardianship of him if they pass - but at the moment I am practically his only mother-like figure, as my parents don’t know how to take care of a kid who is on the lower-functioning side of the spectrum

practical all the way

I’m in a theoretical P.E. Class

I’m theoretically a physicist

one could argue that that’s what I actually did

Hey @eevee-sama, can you tell us about the 500+ policy?

I mean, I agree that polish is overbeaurocratic country.

It’s mostly becouse it is also overeducated and everyone thinks they know stuff, so everyone wants to influence stuff.

It’s kinda… bad for us as citizens.
Good for foreigners tho.


Online gym makes me chuckle still

Imma see if I can do that

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Akademia Górniczo Hutnicza in most cases then.

In translation mining-smelting academy.
Funny name for a uni, but best practice for all electronics studies in central europe, mostly cause all big electronics companies are financing this uni and are directly recruiting there.

Also they have a lot of lectures / practical courses led by people from this companies ect. ect.

Easy enough.

Polish goverment decided to pay 500zł (around 125$) monthly for each child to encourage polish people to have more children.

It only works if you are earning below certain level anyway.
And… is not very efficient encouragment if you ask me.

But polish goverment does polish things.

I mean there’s a Texas agriculture and mechanics school

Which is a little bit of a weird combo

America has that with tax breaks for dependents

We also have tax breaks for having kids.
Also paying money for having kids.

It’s a meh at best policy tho, which was more a move for certain political party (which I dislike) to win elections than actual help.

I wouldn’t bother about it.