54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

hey it could be worse


Oh god. is it still going?

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that ones fine cause the point of the game is to be obnoxiously long

What about 336/48

Or 720/96?

how do i delete another users posts

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Be a mod

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My favorite is 420/69

Tbf 504/96 is more popular

Ctrl+Shift+I then delete element.

Totally works.

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720 was just flashier


speaking of long games
im playing in a year long game

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:eyes: Why?

why not

I’m playing a year long game with 6 week days right now does that count

Oh yeah Kai is in it

Why do you subject yourself to that kind of torture?

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It’s not that bad tbqh

I just lurk when I don’t feel like playing