54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

would you guys object to a face reveal thread :thinking:

My fault, I made him get it.

How young must I be to find it fun to insult others (or to get insulted) for their appearance or their race :eyes:

Really young.

(Also, I am a sentient vegetable now.)

I just realized today is leap day

That’s cool tbh



In 8 days the next season of The Mole starts, I’m so excited!

my freind mentioned that show

whats it abt

So there’s 10 people, 9 normal players and 1 mole.

They go on vacation to some country.

There, they have to complete tasks that will add money to the group’s pot.

The mole has to make sure the players earn as little money as possible.

After each episode, the players have to answer 20 questions (40 in the finals) about the mole.

Whoever gets the least questions correct has to go home.

Whoever wins gets all the money in the pot.

That’s the gist of it.

That sounds really good

Where can I watch

It’s a Dutch TV show, sorry. (Although it was adapted into a US TV show aswell and aired for a couple years.)


The episodes are usually also uploaded to the website of “Vier”, the Dutch TV channel broadcasting it, so I could technically add english subtitles but I’m not sure if that’s legal?

Nope, time to learn Dutch

Apparently it’s pretty hard for English people to learn Dutch/Flemish.

you underestimate me

I do, yes.

I just listened to it and I take that back

it doesn’t look that hard written but can’t pronounce half of those things