54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i was a good christian boy at my primary/middle school you heretic

you’re… 15 right?

yessir yes i am

i feel like a boomer

ok boomer

fucking boomer

:point_right::sunglasses::point_right: zoop

when i was a freshman you were in fucking 1st grade

or kindergarden because im lazy at math

what is your sleep paralysis demon

the inability to breathe

I’ve never had sleep paralysis

i used to have it all the time when younger

just couldn’t breathe at all


That sounds terrifying

meet your new sleep paralysis demon: Italy


might just have been a thin throat passage cuz thats what my dad has

but he never had that

dont mind me just watching phineas and ferb at 12am

i read that as water bed at first and was very confused

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when i wear that outfit, all you can see is my eyes
and my cane lost the stopper, so it makes a menacing clanking noise as i approach you

confirming that italy is in fact white

in fact all of the people on this forum whomstdve i have any idea of skin color are white(besides isaac)

id be interested in seeing like a whole ethnic/age group/gender breakdown of the playerbase

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