54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

katze knows mine

he noticed you can actually see part of my face :eyes:

that whole beak thing is probably just to contain your monster of a tongue

That’d be cool to see tbh tho

Someone should make a giant poll thread

oh also sexuality

cuz i know the gay is big with this forum

but how big

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Let’s do it

It’s science time

i personally have 0 interest in romance

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You know Arete’s reading up when you suddenly get 3 notifications

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i have like on a scale of 1-10 a 2.5

The idea of living alone appeals to me tbh

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i may be a sociopath
might check later

but with cats of course

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Yes of course that’s a given

i’d be content with being a cat man with like 6 cats

I’d maybe add a dog into a mix

It’d have to be a big dog though

small dogs are worse then satan so yes

i’d take a corgi or golden retreiver or blue heeler

I have a small dog and he’s great until he starts barking

don’t get me wrong I love him and he’s cute af but

i know your what