54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I was in the same position on VCFM where I was tunneled by a “confirmed town” pair of scum, one of them being Orange


you didn’t miss much
it was modcanned halfway through day 2

and by modcanned yes i mean forcibly canned by a moderator



Well I have this time consuming thing called school so I must head out bye nerds

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Miss ya guys but for me the site became a little unplayable tbh

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Chad uni lets you use cellphone in class

fair. Where do you play now?

My school bans all phones during school hours it sucks

to me the greatness of discourse’s UI is why im willing to forgive some things about this site and keep playing here

Hopefully I’ll see you around o/

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I’m currently not playing FM anymore but my last game was on Mafia Colosseum

It’s mostly a school thing. Unis don’t give a fuck.

and also why i play so little on MU despite them having such consistently powerful players
because their UI is so shit

Sulit is 15

stops swearing

People in my course are famous for two things:

  • playing Pokemon GO midclass
  • playing League of Legends midclass

I play roblox

everyone i know who plays LoL uses a gaming headset and a BEAST of a gaming PC

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That or they’re a pro LoL player for NALCS

Here they play on cheap laptops tbh