54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

hold on, let’s see if I reenter the match

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Fack that’s a lot of artifacts

All the artifacts in the world vs one hakky boi

shit angelic exaltation

no way I can get around that exaltation.
one more match, but with you not playing boros aggro?

Kk I have cancer teferi or korvold or saheeli u choose

i choose korvold.

Teferi has like 80% winrate but it’s so evil lol

Every single board wipe and counter lmao

nobody likes teferi, which is exactly why they’re going to print 4 more fucking teferis in next year’s core set

i wish i was joking
core set 2021 is core set teferi

lol but why

somebody at wizard’s thinks we like teferi?

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I do actually like teferi just cuz I hate counters

U shuffled away my land on top u bich

remember fucking hero of dominaria though

Yeah I hated him lmao

Guess what’s back bich

wait SHIT lol