54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

these coronavirus jokes are really going viral

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Most other countries in Europe are closing their schools, but I bet mine won’t.

Mine are probably going to close, which will be fucking terrible

A lot of colleges (At least in Wisconsin, I think) are extending their spring breaks… I don’t think mine will

My school assigns online work to do when we don’t have school which

a) Takes about two times longer than it does in class
b) I can’t focus on it at home for more than a half hour at a time

I really want mine to close, it’s too easy and a waste of time anyway.

And it’s mandatory.



Hi, I like mathematics.

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yall nerds

This thread is still going wtf back in my day we didnt even hit 1k


Hello stranger.

when’s the one piece

ok boomer


In Easter vacation since my trip to New York got cancelled, I was originally planning to host it in Summer vacation.

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The madlads actually did it. One more day of school and then freedom until April 3rd.

this is not funny

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this just proves you are a boomer

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these jokes aren’t funny