54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

haircuts suck
that’s pretty much all there is to say on the matter

Getting a haircut sucks.

Having a haircut doesn’t suck.

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shush i’m still suffering from the absolute injustice of having keratin corpses touch my skin outside of the approved zones. i’ll think about how passable I look later.

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What kind of haircuts do you get???

normal haircuts
hair gets everywhere

i think ici is just saying i t c h y

yes that perfectly sums up the whole of the autistic experience thanks marshal :^)

which is mega tru and why i shower immediately after every haircut

Hair isn’t that itchy.

say that again punk
i dare you


when it is all over your body

and cut

it is like 900 needles

Hair isn’t that itchy.

ooh perfect now I get to childishly accuse you of being ableist :^)

no but seriously, i really do not like anything other than Approved Substances at Approved Temperatures touching my skin. Hair is not an Approved Substance.

human touch is negotiable but not welcomed

googles Ableism

How am I discriminating against people with a disability?

because i struggle with sensations due to my autism, particularly uncomfortable ones such as most of them

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and you claiming that hair isn’t that itchy could be seen as ableism if i actually gave a crap or thought you didn’t know

i mean thought you knew
there was a reason I used the sarcasm smirk

I have Autism too.

then we have different experiences. i dislike hair a lot okay