54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I don’t think I could

I might just sleep just to skip time

that’s how bored I will get

sleep is fun, kids

i almost typed a message starting with “when i was your age” and frankly i feel disgusted

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inb4 “ok boomer”

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BaCk In My DaY

ur like 2/3s older then me and soolit lmfao

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ok zoomer

how does it feel to unironically be one of the oldest people on this forum

its not exactly new, im older than most people i talk to online



i have things lined up to binge like the UK office, WKUK, and maybe even just all of fucking jojo if i feel anime enough

i could if i wanted to

no, bad


I’d get bored of that really fast tbh

I get bored of a lot of things really fast

i can binge for a really long time

when yung marshal(aka like 7 months ago) found the office he kinda went off :eyes:

i could watch shit for a while

bitch ur still young

yes it was a joke

my generation doesn’t know jokes, sorry

have you watched superstore marshal