54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

/dayvig Marshal

boom bye scum

What if Marshal is trollbox.

I really want to eat some cereal

nerd imma stay up for literally ever to spite you

just gonna watch like fucking ludwig until 3

I’ll stay up longer

I probably won’t

i’m staying up as long as possible to flex on you

I accept this challenge

okay goodnight

Actually I have a master strat I’ll just read a book

You’ll never defeat me and I’ll finish my book it’s a win win

ill beat you

im too lazy to scroll up and see what in

but ill win

imagine reading

staying up the latest

you could

but as LoTR proves i deffo can

i probably could

but i dont know if i really want to


reading is best hobby dont @ me

@sulit wrong

reading <3


hacky sack nerd

I cannot he found without a book