54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Jokes on you


I don’t have a hacky sack

someone else is also excited for the new animal crossing i see

Yes indeed

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we should visit each others’ islands sometime

This is hard

i’ll use this time to refine my spotify playlist

Also I just wanted to change my pfp because me sticking with a pfp doesn’t happen :eyes:


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but I don’t have switch online

i can send you money to pay for it if needed lol

damn someone really wants an animal crossing pal

when is the new one anyways maybe i’ll get it


releases on the 20th

send me money and i’ll get it animal crossing sugar daddy :weary:

nah im just kidding i’ll prolly just buy it if i do want it

:eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

alright time to piss at least somebody off

ive never played animal crossing ama

same ama

ive heard great things

just never really got into it

Tbf I haven’t played it for a long time because I got bored of new leaf

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