54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i use my switch exclusively to be a cancer Gaymanwatch player in online and against freinds

That’s what happens when there’s a decade between titles :eyes:

not quite a decade
only 7 years

Ok hacky sack is way harder than juggling

How do people do this it’s tiny

or I’m just tired and have no sense of time


Oh yes I should get online to troll you with zelda side-b :^)

but zeldas side b is like her worst special :eyes:

as an actual zelda main here, no I don’t do that

lots of practice kek

i’ve never played socket but usually when i juggle hackey i pull my knee up instead of swingping my foot out to keep it up straight

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This is something I’m going to try in the next month

as a game and watch

i will just get you to an edge and press B 15 times to get you to 115%

and then fall off the edge twice

And then you will see I’m super predictable in fighting games


also we shall not speak of the many times I use up-B and appear right below the ledge

tbf teleport recoveries suck

and ill just say if we wanna keep this discussion going to move it to the unofficial :tm: official :tm: smash thread :tm:

no no more smash talk

lets talk about this monstrosity http://alturl.com/p749b

im not clicking that because i know exactly what it is and could probably link you the exact video

try harder :^)

ur becoming more sophisticated lmao
No longer detectable by inspect element

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