54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

ive evolved

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I should stop clicking Marshal’s links, somehow I clicked the same rickroll 3 times today

but hes so predictable

i didnt even have to click it reee

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Whether that’s just me being a goofus or I’m just tired, I don’t know

What? Marshal is evolving!

[DOOT doot DOOT doot DOOT doot]

Marshal evolved into Marswole!

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press b press b dont let him evolve no no no nonno

By pressing B too late, your Marshal instead evolved into Sheriff

I feel like the sherrif is my alternate ego who never found the internet and instead stayed catholic


What? Marshal is evolving!

[DOOT doot DOOT doot DOOT doot]

Marshal evolved into Marshete!



Marshete learned Mislynch!

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Wait no stay away

> implying that either of us is incapable of doing that on our own


no keep this AWAY

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also marshete just sounds like female marshal

see you say that but it’s a hydra of two non-girls so

i know

but the combination of names doesn’t sound like that

its prob cause it ends with -ete tbh

there’s only one t

but pronunciation, my dear arete, sounds the same if its marshete or marshette

at least to me



id pronounce them both the first way