54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute



where did the t come from


i sometimes do that but people change pfps a lot

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I say saw-lick

You are a kat. And I am a Priestess
Pfps can be so easy

@katze fk wants to know how your days going


why is he asking through you? lol

They are pen pals

we’re pen pals

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and sulit is the mail?

yes I am the mail man

i had to turn down going to dinner with my family since it hurts to bend my knee

other than that is been pretty okay

how about him? :eyes:

fk says
I have been okay today, pretty bland day overall

having a pen pal is weird

i never had one of these when i was younger

wanna be my pen pal? :flushed:



You know they used to do scams via pen palling
Before the internet was a thing