54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Squirrels keep stealing my bird feeders seeds

Fuck them

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Mini bears*

He says as my parents drive like two hours out of their way to let me borrow their car

cats are literally 1 and always will be 1

they are undoubtedly the best cuddlers

Get a better bird feeder

They’re not invasive like asian carp or something

Doggos > All

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Humans are probably top 3 for animals

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Also sulit is my grandma confirmed

it was a joke

but like

how do you not have cats up there

damn it my cat likes watching them ok

this can be remedied

imagine unironically having this opinion

U never met a chunky pupper

Puppies are definitely cuter than kittens @Marshal

Rhinos are pretty cool ngl

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If you took that seriously
I’d be kinda disappointed but not really


Rhinos are like angry elephants

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What about hippos

They hungry elephants

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