54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Sale is pretty decent and I put 200 hrs into civ5 currently

And I would have killed you if I wasn’t so paranoid about some poor TP/LO staying on me

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yay orange

Civ 3 best Civ tbh

Before expansions

Expansions made nuclear Ghandi

i have joined the army
(for now)

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I have found my favorite cat picture and I will now not be changing it


I’ve just played 5 though :stuck_out_tongue:

well no you woulda killed my mafioso who was already doomed to die and whos flip would have made arete, my forger, look gooder

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that kitten is adorable wow

I swear this pic (of my Shadow) is exactly as Lawful Evil as I am

it’s time

We are inevitable

Okay okay I know I’m just a LN who fancies to be LE
Let me dream ^^

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:man_shrugging: it’s ok. I think the dlcs have been a bit dissapointing but overall game could be good if they keep working on it

No Doppio best boi

Shadow could never do something to anyone.
Sometimes he hunts mice tho, or hits our dog on the nose when he’s too interested.
This cat is exactly me.

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The sanctity of this forum has been fouled
We must put it to the torch

Do you have a kat too?
