54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Which is why I haven’t left my house since Thursday

I am also going to use this as an excuse for why i haven’t left my house since thursday. but also im worried about my parents getting it and so am being safe

you’re all nerds

Im mostly just worried about my grandparents getting it. They don’t live with me but they live nearby so I’m just worried about them. I’m not really worried about my mom getting it because she hasn’t left since Thursday either and she’s a clean freak. My dads been going out a lot though so frick

wow :frowning:

I’m personally not worried abt the virus, just what’ll happen to society will the pandemic is going on.
Also I’m really bad at IDing symptoms so who knows

I am very very angry because I just finished my university assignment today and literally just got an email saying the university is closing for a week and that all classes are suspended and that all assignments have been cancelled and for their points to be redistributed between other assessment items.

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that might have something to do with the unstoppable global pandemic that’s going to close everywhere

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again i’m super excited for the actual full lockdown here
not having to leave a controlled environment for several weeks is amazing

I’m just going to have to work from home, but work regular hours, which sucks tbh.

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yes but think of the lack of societal judgement

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the ease with which one can avoid eye contact with anybody who isn’t your parents

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it is just an excuse for me to have my mates over and get drunk

it’s perfect

On the plus side I have time to host Poisonous Mafia now

oh is that the setup I’m thinking it is?

idk i found it on mafia universe

yes it is the setup i’m thinking of

Lockdown is good for me cuz I would have more time to deal with my mental health

I am fine with this

I don’t have to wake up at 6 am every day

This is fine