54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

You know both of you are wrong right
Infinite is a stand in for a number that is really really really large, so it depends entirely on notation

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No this isn’t jojo

there are different kinds of infinity
The infinity containing the set of all rational numbers is a lot bigger than the infinity containing the set of all integers, et cetera.

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Carry on then

infinity is a concept not a number

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That’s why I said stand in

it’s deeper than that to mathematicians, sulit

How am I wrong if u use that definition of infinite tho?

Mathematically, is -0 technically accurate when multiplying a negative number and 0?

IIRC from analysis this is a common misconception (because it sounds correct) but not correct

unfortunately I don’t remember the proof of it

some infinities are bigger than other infinities, but not the ones you think

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I was looking at the start of the convo, assumed it derailed into philosophy, then made the post

you’ll have to find it for me sometime then
im not a mathematician and i abhor proofs, so im not that surprised if im wrong here

I was just quoting a nerd video to feel smart, ignore me

I mean yea it did

Can a ‘half an a press’ exist?

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I mean, infinity is a stand in, yes.
But so is the value of X. And X isn’t infinity, because it has an actual hidden value.


Don’t know what u mean

Negative and positive infinity can exist within the same set
-x is just -(x)