54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I was never able to get into the magnet program in elementary school though, because I tended to bomb the CogAt test over and over again.

I’m personally questioning myself while reading this
It goes along the lines of “why were these people thinking about advancement so much more than I was”


I suppose it likely was from influence of parents.

Forum mafia is a hub for rainbow and sunshine and nothing else.

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So gay


That’s also true

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With a load of pop corn on everybody’s hand.


My cat is like like to play cards too

Send the cat to Vegas
The value

Why are everyone so depressed here tho

image0 copy

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I’m not depressed just introverted

It’s a social media platform, albeit not as impersonal
If some is spending a lot of time here, they are not spending as much time on irl


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Rl is meaningless accept it


irl is an obstacle in the way of fm
But no because a better irl situation is more generally valuable than fm


Which is the reason I left here for a while