54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

But we all return back to here for some reason :^)


Therefore FM>irl


oh we did that in third grade

I remember because it was one of the few standardized tests I didn’t actually hate

also because I did really well on it but

I despise nwea

ok tj “henry” yoshi

oh arete has a new cat picture

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eating candy=fun

eating vegetables=null at best

therefore candy>vegetables

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I think this cat genuinely represents my face when I see I creeper in Minecraft.

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no I just had dumb standards for myself

my parents were like ‘…Arete are you sure you want to take this many classes at once. also why are you trying to teach your sister how to read and do math she’s in pre-school.’

to be clear those weren’t happening simultaneously

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eating candy = depressing

inb4 “ok boomer”

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Zoomer not okay.

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i mean to be fair at marshals age i ate a fuckton of candy

There’s nothing more depressing than rl

I kind of wish mine worried about that more

Me: “I’m worried my schedule will be too crowded.”

Them: “I’m sure you’ll do fiine.”

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dude fuck rocket league

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“hey i can barely speak english can you like, tell the school that”




I feel bad for everyone who’s like ‘yeah I wanted to do [advanced math thing] but I couldn’t even though I was ready for it because it wasn’t an option at my school’

super obscure Minnesota math programs op (plz nerf)

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and Indiana

small catholic school with limited options gang