54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

So yea, im also taking a break from the forums for a bit, need to work upon some personal issues that i have (Nothing to do with the Forums or the people really). Mental Health is fun.

Not you too :sob:

Fire, you’re improving so keep on your track but I’m not dealing with this anymore.
We have new elitists which is what got me out of FM for a bit
This is also affecting my mental health.
I don’t appreciate this place anymore due to some people.
Others are fine but I’m not risking my health and wellbeing when it comes to the few problems

I feel like alot of people are getting frustrated right now with the current state of the forums. There is just people who go too far sometimes and dont realize that they, and because inadvertently hurting people.

But you are nice people. They can stop.

Im generally sad about how some people have treated you tbh. It makes me mad to a certain extent.


There are good people, i acknowledge that. Its the few that take it too far imo. For me, my problems are IRL and not with the forums, but i can clearly some people are hitting breaking point rn.

I mean there are people who take it to far but that can be solved

idk rn man. Ill probs be playing more when i feel like im in a good space mentally. Atm, im just depressed and unmotivated. Ill be lurking around the forums still, so im not gone entirely.

Same tbh

I need to find something to do

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Join our games.

The FoL stuff?

FM FOL yeah

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I’m recommending against it.
I’m not risking the mental health of another when I wouldn’t risk it for myself.
I’m warning you it can and will get bad if you let it

Yeah no. I’m not even sure I can do anything right there.

You can do stuff I promise. The energy you get from death tunneling in one game gives you the energy to do it in another.

I mean I’m gonna mess something up until.i realize what the strategies are. Like how I lost 5 games in a row on mindnight

I mean you never will learn how to play if you don’t play it.

Like that’s basically the same with everything…

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I do think the Forum games are fun and definitively have some really good moments in them, and The people are really nice. My problem is that I feel like the games can be at times mentally draining and if you arent focused, or kinda constantly on, you can fall behind on the game itself. And as i have stated, I feel people go too far sometimes when accusing others, and they forget the person they are accusing has feelings too, and it goes too far, and we hurt the feeling of others because we are blinded by the game and our thoughts, and not considering others.

That’s why we have to learn to not do that?