54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I posted my turbo
pls sign up

Anyways today was fun

Did some hiking

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Legit drove across the state to hit up the sand dunes

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i spent quality time with my parents and refined my hacky sack skills and swam a little since there’s a good chance the “last day of school” was like a few days ago lmfao

Sounds chill

I haven’t had a chance to get a good long drive in since the outback

So this was nice

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as the last remaining contestant i have won skribbl

gg @arete @Marshal :^)

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if you votekick people because you can’t figure out their drawing it doesn’t count

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what if i do it because its funny

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no we did it because you are a nerd

i figured out ur drawing

my day was pretty cool too

in the afternoon I failed to practice social distancing met up with a friend, which was pretty neat


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also u didn’t write “marshal’s package” which woulda made it obvious so u were clearly throwing

one day ill get the word “nerd” or “marshal” and life will be nice

until then every drawing gets a cowboy hat


How to plya cokecain ??

the link is up join it

How dare you you monster

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Jojo Bar

Hey bois. I’m hosting a mafia game on another site. If @Arete allows me to, I’ll link you to it.


imagine being the child of 2 people who met at one of these

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it’s a UPick