@PokemonKidRyan Listen. It’s never been a personal attack. It’s all for the sake of the game itself, and it has never been otherwise. If being aggressively pressured and attacked by someone in the context of the game causes you mental problems, perhaps you should take a break. Mafia is not a game friendly in that regard. You will be scumread, more aggressively or less, and you will sometimes be read wrong.
I’m not saying that because I’m an elitist. I’m not. I’m saying that for your own sake. If the fact I’m trying to play well and win is impacting you outside of the game, that could be on me. But in all honesty, I’ve not insulted you even once, or done anything else indicating I was assaulting you as a person. In spite of that, you seem to be affected very strongly by this.
I can’t bring myself to intentionally play worse in order to not hurt your feelings. This statement might sound very harsh, but the game itself is also very harsh. You need a thick skin for forum mafia, especially on other forums, because this one seems rather tame by comparison to some others. You obviously don’t have it, which is why, again, it might be better for you to just drop off, even if temporarily.
I realize this entire post might come off as if I’m trying to force inferior players out of the game. I’m not, believe me. I don’t want you to leave because I have a personal problem with you. But if you’re being hurt by something that is an integral element of the game, and not a personal attack from an objective point of view, that means you should not do this anymore, or at least, for the time being. After all, Forum Mafia is just a social game. Your health is more important than a game, and always will be.
No matter your reception or response, I do want all the best for you. No matter what I say in thread, too.
Do take care of yourself.