54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i was never arguing that murder was the worst

im just saying it’s really up there

you’re not even 50 miles away from me
tremble in fear

I feel like if you do enough bad-but-not-murder things it could sometimes outweigh one murder

for instance torturing a million people would probably be worse than killing one person?

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You can always one-up anything

Not a worthwhile discussion imo

I just wan to say that I don’t live in the US, I live in the UN. Get it right.

the world is so hopelessly corrupt that there’s at least a dozen things that I consider worse than the kind of murder that’s used in The Blacklist (only against those that knowingly cause pain in some way to a great number of people)

Imagine being called Italy and living in hawyeeland

yes i do think that is bad, because you would likely cause, indirectly, more deaths and more net unejoyment of life then with 1 murder

afaik only derps lives in this swamp

Jake lives in every single country that is in the UN

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and kat

that was a given yes

Just move to Siberia tbh

as i say, to kat


so Marshal’s a consequentialist and doesn’t realize that’s a thing

good to know

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i’ve been to florida before

Italy, evil ginger and marshal are the mega yeehaw gamers of this forum

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I’m Schrödinger’s Country

very nice place
